// Account Based Ticketing

Ticketless Ticketing

Account-Based Ticketing is a ticketless way of allowing people to travel meaning they tap or scan using a secure token, linked to an account in the back office, to make a journey. The location and amount of taps calculates the fare, which is charged to the passenger post journey. This means riders no longer need to buy a ticket and can benefit from best fare policies.


The Benefits of Account-Based Ticketing

Account Based Ticketing (ABT) shifts the fare collection system from being ‘card centric’, meaning the ticket holds the journey information and right to travel, and moves this to the back office. Moving the ticket information to the back office holds a number of benefits. It means passengers no longer need to buy a ticket or understand fares to travel and instead they use a secure token, typically either a contactless bank card, mobile phone or smartcard. It also enables agencies to reduce costs through a reduction in proprietary tickets, cash handling and physical infrastructure costs.

No need to buy a ticket

Passengers no longer need to buy a ticket or understand fares they simply use a secure token, tapping to travel.

Reduced costs

Account Based Ticketing should follow a BYOT (Bring Your Own Ticket) philosophy reducing proprietary ticket issuance and cash handling costs.